Serbia, officially the Republic of Serbia, is a sovereign country located in Southeastern Europe and in the center of the Balkan Peninsula.
The capital city is Belgrade, which counts as one of the oldest and largest cities in Southeast Europe. With a population of 1.659.440 residents in its wider territory, Belgrade is the administrative and economic center of the country. The official language spoken is Serbian while the official currency is the dinar.
The country encompasses 88.361 square kilometers, which places Serbia in the 113th place in the world according to size.
There are over 30 mountain tops which range more than 2000 meters above sea level, and the highest point is Djeravica on the Prokletija Mountains with a height of 2.656 meters. The mountain relief of Serbia explains the appearance of so many canyons, gorges and caves in the region (Resava Cave, Ceremosnja, Risovaca).
Most of Serbia belongs to the Danube River basin (81.646 kilometers in total, or 92.4%), which itself flows through Serbia the length of 588 kilometers. Besides the Danube there are three other rivers that are fully navigable throughout the country and those are: the Sava River (206km), the Tisa River (168km) and the Begej River (75km).
Serbia is situated on the land mass of the Balkan Peninsula which is surrounded by warm seas (Adriatic, Aegean and Black Sea), while towards the north it reaches into the European continent. An important factor that influences the climate is the relief of the country itself. Roughly you could say that in Serbia predominates a continental climate, but on higher mountains you’ll find mountain climates. Winters in Serbia are short, cold and snowy and the summers are warm. The coldest month of the year is January, whereas the warmest is July.
According to the Census of 2011, the total number of citizens in Serbia amounts to 7.186.862.